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Barbara Gruson

Barbara Gruson

Acquisitions Advisor

"Most parents read their kids fairy tales. My dad used to read me the Real Estate section of the Sunday New York Times. I fondly recall circling his favorite ads in red crayon."

Barbara Gruson has spent two decades garnering multifaceted real estate experience in the private residential and commercial sectors at top brokerage firms, providing the highest level of service and results to her customers. This native New Yorker became a licensed real estate agent at the age of 18 and has acquired exceptional industry and market knowledge. In addition to managing several multi-family buildings, she leased and sold properties and provided valuable expertise on project objectives and deliverables.

After a four-year leave to serve in the federal government, where she served as a Presidential Appointee at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Barbara joined Symphony Wireless armed with a wealth of insights on Affordable Housing, Government, and Economic Development.

Barbara is passionate about bridging the digital divide because she believes in equal access to opportunities and resources for all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status. Her drive stems from the belief that empowering marginalized communities through technology and housing stability can create a more inclusive and just society. Barbara's dedication to these causes comes from a desire to make a tangible impact and improve the lives of those in need.

Barbara’s keen interest in political affairs drives her to stay engaged and actively contribute to her community. She finds solace in exploring new destinations and cultures, as she cherishes the enriching experiences that travel offers. Barbara Gruson's unique journey from her childhood fascination with real estate to her present role as an Acquisition Advisor, her passion for equality through technology, and her dedication to social impact create a portrait of an accomplished professional driven by purpose and change.